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God is not Order Supplier

Writer's picture: Suman  BasuSuman Basu

I remember my Higher Secondary Exam Chemistry Paper. Chemistry was a dreadful subject for me since Std X and I never enjoyed the same. In HS it was again pathetic I could not even garner knowledge needed to get a respectable mark. The more and more I tried to mug up the worse it became. I had been praying to God/Gods..whomsoever I could see as deity. and to every one only one request : "Please let me pass Chemistry. Please allow me to pass this one.. I will not ask anything else in whole life. "

The exam day came and with trembling heart I reached the centre. When my father bade adieu to me near the gate I was almost in tears. Bell Rang. The invigilators distributed the question paper. At first glance I browsed through entire paper.. God has not helped me.. most of the questions are from areas or chapters which I have never understood. I was about to cry loud.. but suddenly a strange thing happened. Near my seat there was a window and a sparrow flew in through that. Probably by mistake .It was desparate to go out and was unable to find the exit. All students started lot of noises and amid of cacophony of sound it got so fearful it was flying from one corner of room to other, everywhere except near window. When all of us were trying to help it ,it was getting more perplexed except when the invigilator announced 3 mins gone.. we all sat down on our desk & started writng. The sparrow very calmly flew to my desk ,it appeared to me it smiled at me and neatly flew away. That was a eureka moment for me. God makes arrangement for every one, Only when we have full confidence in Him ,He takes charge.

I left my agonies to His lotus feet and started writing.

For every small issue of our life we keep on creating lot of flutters and start asking God many things which we want us to happen in our life. But what we must always remember God is not only Omnipotent He is also OmniScient ... He has a much larger view of us than we have. in Bhagavad Gita Ch 7 sloka 26 Krsna says " I know all what happened in Past,what is happening now and what is yet to come..But Me no one knows." Hence He being firmly seated in our heart as Pramatama is fully aware what all pains we are going through and what we want ..

There is a large species of animal called African Elelphant.. It consumes 3 Tons of grass every day Have you ever heard that he sleeps hungry...No.. because God has already provided for his food.. so for us asking God to fulfil something which we want for us is defying His quality of Omniscient.. He knows all and only when we allow Him to be charioteer of our life He will drive it to a safe destination.

So what we shall pray.?

We have no control on external situation.. Life will be throwing lot of googly, We can only accept them and play our best shot and leave the result with Him. in BG 3.30 Lord Krsna says "Therefore, O Arjuna, surrendering all your works unto Me, with full knowledge of Me, without desires for profit, with no claims to proprietorship, and free from lethargy, fight."

This is the core philosophy of Karma Yoga as per Krishna Consciousness. Surrender to Him and do not direct Him what He should do.. Rather ask Him the benediction that we can perform our duty as per prescribed scriptures & have full Surrender to Him for result.

During our good time we do not find time to remember Him but when we get reversal in life we run to Him.. He is all merciful.. He still helps.. the difficult situation we face is because of our past Karma of this life and many more past lives. He ensures that we get least pain and get purified through the process.But we unfortunately blames Him when the results are not as per our wish.

He was merciful to that sparrow to find a window to fly away.merciful to me to pass HS and so on...

in 2022 I have published a book called Lucky Me.. this is a Bengali book and I have stated 11 incidents of my life where I could see God's Hand in each one ..only difference is that in each case, when I was going through the episodes I was actually blaming Him and today I could see that He was so merciful as each incidence has made me much stronger in faith.

Hence I have stopped considering God as Order Supplier.

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