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Islam and Hinduism

Writer's picture: Suman  BasuSuman Basu

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

from book "Jaiva Dharma" by Bhakti Vinod Thakur

The Kazi replied " What you refer to as the "Jiva" ,individual soul,we call "ruh!" The ruh is found in two conditions : "ruh-mujarrad",the conscious or liberated soul and "ruh-tarkibi" the conditioned soul. What you refer as spirit (cit) we cal mujarrad and what you refer as matter(acit) we call it :jism". Mujarrad is beyond the limitation of time and space,whereas the jism is subordinate to time and space. The "ruh-tarkibbi" or "baddha-jiva" has material mind and is full of ignorance(malphut) and desires.The "ruh-mujarrad" is pure and aloof from all these contaminations, and they reside in the spiritual abode,which is known as "alam-al-mashal".

"The ruh becomes pure through gradual development of "ishqh "or "prema" .There is no influence of jism or matter in that abode where Khoda brought the pophet,Paigambar Sahib. Yet even there the ruh stays there servitor ( as :banda: ready to serve) andthe Lord is the master.Therefore the relationship between banda and khoda is eternal and of love and serve as told in Bhagavad Gita as well. Mukti is actually attainment of this relationship in purest nform.The Quoran and the literature of the Sufi's explain this Consciouslness ,but not every one can understand them.

Every soul will have taste of death .The life of this world is of comfort of illusion.But those who keep their duty to Lord as prime focus, for them the Liberstion ensures that these souls stay with God forever

Now Hinduttwa as per Sanatan Dharma:

"That abode of mine is not illuminated by the sun or moon or by electricity.One who reaches there would never return to this material world" ( BG 15.6)

"There the Sun does not shine, neither do the moon,and the stars,nor do the flashes of lightning shine.What to speak of fire? Lord shining all the time, through HIS luster all these are variously illuminated [ Svetvastra Upanishad :6:14]

" I worship that transcendental seat,known as Svetadipa where as loving consorts,the Lakshmis in their unalloyed spiritual essence practice their service to all attractive Lord Krishna as their only Lover-- where the soil is the purpose Gem,aa water is Nectar,every word is a song,every gait is a dance,the flute is the favourite attendant, efulgence is full of transcendental bliss...............

The reference is for Goloka only to a very few self -relaised souls in this world" [ Brahma Samhita by5.56]

1. All scriptures recommend chanting of Holy names of God:

The Bible states "Oh Lord Thou art in Heaven,Hallowed be Thy Name

Islam teaches daily chanting of 99 names of Allow

The Mahabharata recommends the chanting of 1008 names of Vishnu( Vishnu Sahras Nama)

2. All religions teach that love of God is the ultimate perfection and only eternal and can give us Happiness..

The Bible says : Love thy God with all Thy Soul and all Thy Heart

The very word Islam means " complete surrender"

the Bhagavat Gita (18.66) says

Sarva Dharma Parityajya Mamkekam sharanam braja..

In RigVeda Dharma is described as " Jo Dharayiti oh Dharma.. which means Dharma is no religion and the Rightful thing which one has to do at all times..

So in short in the core of heart there is very less difference between Islam,Hinduism and Christianity

Only the manifestation has changed over period of time by practitioners who misinterpreted the Scriptures

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