Radha and Krishna Love
At the outset I would like to mention that I have no ability to understand even 1 millionth part of Supreme God Head. I am writing this as you wanted me to speak on this subject and I expect that you did so, to know more and not to humiliate God. Before writing any more sentence I ask obeyance from Guru,Senior Vaishnavs and ask their permission and also pray to my Shyam Sunder to allow me speak what is in the best interest of Him and with no self motive in mind
There are lot of myths available in many books/scriptures and poems regarding love of Radharani and Krishna. One common story I used to hear when I was a child mostly in West Bengal that Radharani was wife of one Nando Ghosh and the love of Krishna was illicit. While I grew up ,I got chance of reading little bit of shastra in the form of Srimad Bhagavatam,Geet Govinda by Joydev and also Srimad Bhagvat Gita and no where I could find this story. May be the stories grew over period of time.
God has said in Bhagavat Gita that three things are sure to draw you down:
· Hate to fellow Human Being
· Ill Gotten wealth
· Illicit Sex ( Parakiya prem)
So Krshna will never do Parakiya Prem as per my opinion.
However Love is the best form of Service and Pure to the Core and there is nothing wrong in Love
As per Bhagavat Gita Chapter 2 Sankhya Yog verses 20-21-22 every soul is eternal and part of the Supreme God Head. Supreme God is ocean of love and in the process the natural property of Soul is to “ Love and Serve”. The highest form of Love and Serve is done when it is done for Krshna as that is the ultimate method to attend Liberation. However when we come to Braj Bhhumi a old story of Uddhav says that when Uddhav reached Vrindavan he understood that Braj Bhumi & Braj Basi Loves Krishna absolutely selfless and do not expect anything in return.. this is the highest form of Service when you Serve God just for the sake of Serving. Uddhav wrote that when he met Radharani he saw same mental condition of eternal Viraha ( Golden Separation ) which Bhagvan Krishna was going through and Radharani was saying same thing which Krishna sent as a message and Uddhav was supposed to deliver. Uddhav prayed to Brij Basi to get their dust of feet on their head and his all Prides of knowledge/wisdom vanished.. but Braj Basi were so humble and they are so busy in Bhagavad prem they have no time for that.Thus Uddhav prayed to Lord that in next birth he wanted to be a blade of Grass so that he can get Brindavan dust on his head
Radharani and Krishna were same soul.. Krishna splitted his soul and converted part in Radharani. So they are inseparable. So they were epitome of Platonic love ,in all practical purposes same, only two bodies were different .. are you aware even today in Nidhuvan of Vrindavan every night their temple gets locked by 7 locks and every one leaves premises and no one is allowed to enter in Night, still when priest comes next day and opens door they see the bangles are all misplaced/thrown on floor,Water half finished, , Beetle leaves are chewed etc.. because all 16000 trees convert them back to Gopi and they perform Ras Leela with Madhav and Radha rani every night
Because Krishna could not return to Vrindavan in that pastime,he made it a point to stay in hearts of Gopi eternally literally
Radharani was the power of Lakshmi which converted herself only for Love and no expectation.. Krishna married to Rukmini who was incarnation of Ma Lakshmi and she came with a condition that Lord will give her full time, as He could not give in Ram Avatar. Krishna took birth because in Ram Avatar he had no friend and he wanted to drink “ Sakhya Ras” so on Krishna Avatar He had friends /sakha in all form.. Krishna rescued 16000 devis from Demon and they all wanted to marry Him..so he had to split him in 16000 parts and be with each one of them. Only Krishna can do so..none else. That is famous Rasaleela.
The reason that despite seeing Gopis bathing in bank of Jamuna , God told them that there is not a single thing which is separable from Him and He was present all along since time immemorial. He was not affected by Karma Yoga, He was not bound by ages,He was not bound by a single person love. In one of the description of Krishna’s Love it was told that like if you read the subject matter from a book you learn but the subject matter is still in the book ,similarly Krishna love is eternal .
We can only conceive this if we in the path of Bhakti and not Argument.As Thakur Ramakrishna told” বিশ্বাসে মিলায় কৃষ্ণ তর্কে বহুদূর