আমার কর্মফলের ওপর একটা genuine and fundamental প্রশ্ন আছে। Serious প্রশ্ন, ইয়ার্কি মারছি না।
বলা হয়, পূর্ব জন্মের কর্মফল এই জীবনে পাওয়া যায় - ভালো অথবা খারাপ। প্রশ্ন হলো why this phase lag was necessary in our philosophical model?
Dear Dipu
I am a neophyte devotee and not even qualified to speak on this subject but would like to put forward a few points based on whatever I have learnt. I pray to Srila Prabhupad that whatever I say is as per disciplic succession and for benefit of your advancement in spiritual life
Prelude to discussion of your question:
1. We all have come from spiritual world and forgot our root
2. Our Life Goal is to know how to go back to Godhead
3. We have atma sitting in our heart who is actually the enjoyer of all actions we do.
4. Paramatma also is located in addition to Atma and He wants Atma to do rightful thing and go back to Godhead as early as possible
5. But Atma is covered by Gross Body and Subtle Body. Subtle Body has a component called False Ego which makes us feel that we are the Body and our soul purpose is to enjoy the senses.
6. For enjoyment of senses we do Karma
7. We have three types of Karma possible and available in front of us
a. Okarma: the type of karma which is as per direction of Shastra
b. Karma : which our mind and intelligence asks us to do and which may or may not be as per Shastra Directive
c. Bikarma: these are against the principle of Shastra
9. When we do Okarma & we dedicate the result completely to Lord Krsna we do not get any after effect and hence we do not get further bondage
10. When we do Karma :
a. if we chose to do in the mode of Goodness ( Satta Guna)we get good reaction and that helps us to get uplift till Pitrulok or Devlok Or maximum Swarga Lok
b. if we chose to do Karma in the mode of Passion ( Raja Guna) we get effect which takes us to upper planetary system or may be to a life in earth which is better than present life
11. But if we do Bikarma : it is always in mode of Tamoguna we degrade and visit to Hellish plant and thereafter get a body of lower species like insects,Trees,Animals,Birds etc and take many lives cycle to get back to Human Life
12. Please remember only in earth with human body we have choice to do and correct our position neither in animal /tree body or in Devalok..DemiGod body..
13. Now we need to understand that whether we go to Helish Planet or Swargalok as soon as our credits get neutalised we return to Earth with next body
14. We get next body based on Last strongest wish at the time of death and the Karma we have done
Now coming back to your question:
All Karmas have different fulfilment cycle attached with them.. some of the Karmas have immediate or short term impact cycle for them we may get result very quickly.. example if we slap some one on road we may get slapped immediately
But for some Karmas we have very large impact cycle.. like if we plant an apple tree apples do not come immediately
Similarly there are some karmas which takes many years like smoking may bring cancer after many years
There are many Karmas where the impact comes after this birth or after many births.
Now we need to discuss 4 terms:
Duskriti or Aparadh
Sukriti are good actions which are done with good intention and it may be knowingly or unknowingly
Punya : good work done with intention of doing good to other and also with intention of going to Higher planet
Pap: Deliberately done to harm some one or to gain short term sense gratification
Aparadh : Deliberate unpios work to do harm to the world/community or demean God etc
Now all these accounts work in separate cycle. So one person who has done some Pap he has to suffer but the punishment is such that to get that suffering he has to attain some good steps first so he needs to do some Punya/Sukriti and reach there. Remember Dhritarastra killed 100 eggs of bird.. that bird cursed him to lose 100 children.. but to do get 100 sons Dhritarastra has to earn that much sukriti/Punya and remember these sukriti or Punya he could do only in Human Body so he had to wait 100+ lifes to get the required credit point to earn children and then suffer to fulfil the act of karma
Now although it may appear that a person is doing good in this life externally but we do not know what Karma he is collecting and how that will come back to him may be in the end of this life or may be next or next life
Hence we hear people crying Oh God I have done all Good why I am getting this with me
There is a complete process how we can correct our deeds and go back to Godhead which is much beyond this Swarga Lok.. but that discussion may be some other day
You can refer Ch 2,Ch 3,Ch7,Ch9 and Ch 18 of Bhagavat Gita and selected places of Srimad Bhagavatam specially Canto3-6 on this subject.
Hare Krsna
Thank you, Suman for answering my question painstakingly. I know it is easier to ask questions than answer but really appreciate that you answered my question with great care.
I have a follow on question
The universe goes through multiple cycles of birth and death. Does it mean that কর্মফল gets exhausted within one life of universe or transcends beyond one cycle, to maintain this lag of কর্মফল?